Friday, May 18, 2012

Pilot Signs of Fear and Loss of Control

World events can, in the commercial arena of flying can produce aberrant behavior when a pilot of an airliner suffered a breakdown. He felt the airline would explode in mid-air.

This is a carryover from headlines he read about an increase in terroristic attacks on commercial aviation. When a person is bombarded with negative input he/she will act out to warn passengers of an impending disaster.

This psychological background factors can manifest itself when a private pilot is thrust into a situation that he never experienced before. An example, flying into bad weather. In some cases training is forgotten and the pilot may put himself and the plane into great danger.

His proper training can return if he recognizes the signs of losing control of what he already knows to do in an emergency.

Here is a partial list:

Stop rapping your fingers.
Slow down your breathing.
Stop unnecessary chatter.
Concentrate on your instrument scan.
Fly the plane.
Radio to a controller that you are having difficulty.

There are more you and your instructor can discuss. The idea is to calm yourself down to bring back the training you already know to gain control.

In the case of the airline pilot the actions were beyond his control and force was used to prevent an accident.

It is always good to have a plan of action ready on any trip or flight where weather may occur.