Thursday, July 19, 2012

Anger Control in Flying

Anger Control Tips

Is losing your "Cool" worth the consequences?

The tips below may help in controlling anger.

  • Take an Anger Management Course.
  • Know what makes you angry and recognize situations that lead you to express your anger.
  • Don't become angry when you don't receive attention you think you deserve.
  • If you feel anger arising during a conversation find a way to assert your feeling and reconcile it peacefully.
  • Anger is normal but calmly tell other people what your needs are.
  • Hey, no one wins  in a power struggle. Back off from the situation if you can.
  • Obnoxious folks are out there. Control how you act. You  control your emotions and responses.
  • Avoid things that get you mad. Think of strategies to avoid irritating people.
  • When confronted, think if getting angry is really worth all the trouble.