Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sleep Apnea

Flying and Sleep Apnea

Memory lapses and lack of concentration while flying a plane are serious safety concerns. Sleep Apnea is a preventable factor in aviation accidents.

The United States population is changing with respect to weight. Its' putting on weight.

With weight gain you compromise an important gas exchange system. The Respiratory System can't exchange gases efficiently.

The respiratory system inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. Thats breathing and sleep apnea interferes with that function.

There are many accessories that help folks with sleep apnea. For me the CPAC was effective. I don't know the effectiveness of the devices offered.

The body and its cells restore their normal function from sleep. When physical obstructions prevent that restoration physiological changes occur. 

Sleep apnea's association with hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, obesity and diabetes are documented. These  serious conditions and flying is dangerous.

Symptoms include snoring, unusual daytime sleepiness, prolonged breathing pauses while sleeping, loss of concentration on activities and memory loss.

Weight gain, and the distribution of fat around folds surrounding the entrance to the trachea, can prevent the entrance of air entering the lungs. Structurally, the epiglottis covers the entrance to the trachea when you swallow and slides back to let air once again enter the lungs. When a person gains weight the folds increase in size which impairs the retraction of the folds. Net effect is impairment of gas exchange in the lungs.

If the lungs can't replenish oxygen to the cells during restorative sleep, a state of hypoxia begins. If carbon dioxide is retained rather than blown off, a state of acidosis begins.

If the physiological replenishing doesn't occur when you sleep,  the net effects mentioned above happen.

If you suspect you may suffer from sleep apnea because of the symptoms above and, if you're a man, have a shirt size of 17 inches or better or a body mass index greater than 30 you need evaluation.

There are treatments available for sleep apnea. It begins with an evaluation for sleep apnea by a sleep apnea specialist. It includes a detailed history and a stay overnight to evaluate.

With treatment you can avoid or delay the onset of these chronic illnesses and prolong a quality life.